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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - than


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~1 strong conjunction 1 higher than/cheaper than etc used when comparing two things that are different to introduce the second thing  (The cost of the repairs was a lot cheaper than I thought.) 2 would rather/would sooner...than... used to say that you prefer one thing to another  (If it's alright by you I'd rather walk than go by car.) 3 hardly/scarcely/no sooner etc...than... used to say that something had only just happened when something else happened  (No sooner had I mailed the letter than I realized she'd changed address.) 4 informal except  (They left me with no option other than to resign.) ~2 prep 1 higher/more expensive than used when comparing two things that are different to introduce the second thing  (Miranda has always been more intelligent than her two brothers. | Richard's marrying a woman who's older than his own mother. | The new tax system will definitely affect some people more than others.) 2 more/less/fewer etc than used when comparing two different amounts, numbers etc to introduce the second amount or number  (The programme doesn't last any longer than an hour. | He's been unemployed for more than 18 months now. | It's a beautiful dress but it's much more than I can afford.)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use than after a comparative adjective or adverb in order to link two parts of a comparison. The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet... Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones. PREP: compar PREP group • Than is also a conjunction. He wished he could have helped her more than he did... Sometimes patients are more depressed six months later than when they first hear the bad news. CONJ: compar CONJ cl 2. You use than when you are stating a number, quantity, or value approximately by saying that it is above or below another number, quantity, or value. They talked on the phone for more than an hour. ...the three-match Test series in England, starting in less than two months time... PREP: more/less PREP n 3. You use than in order to link two parts of a contrast, for example in order to state a preference. The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations... CONJ 4. less than: see less more than: see more more often than not: see often other than: see other rather than: see rather ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. conjunction  Etymology: Middle English ~, then then, ~ — more at then  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. — used as a function word to indicate the second member or the member taken as the point of departure in a comparison expressive of inequality; used with comparative adjectives and comparative adverbs older ~ I am easier said ~ done  b. — used as a function word to indicate difference of kind, manner, or identity; used especially with some adjectives and adverbs that express diversity anywhere else ~ at home  2. rather ~ — usually used only after prefer, preferable, and preferably  3. other ~  4. when 1b — used especially after scarcely and hardly  II. preposition  Date: 1560 in comparison with you are older ~ me Usage:  After about 200 years of innocent if occasional use, the preposition ~ was called into question by 18th century grammarians. Some 200 years of elaborate and sometimes tortuous reasoning have led to these present-day inconsistent conclusions: ~ whom is standard but clumsy Beelzebub…~ whom, Satan except, none higher sat — John Milton T. S. Eliot, ~ whom nobody could have been more insularly English — Anthony Burgess; ~ me may be acceptable in speech a man no mightier ~ thyself or me — Shakespeare why should a man be better ~ me because he's richer ~ me — William Faulkner, in a talk to students; ~ followed by a third-person objective pronoun (her, him, them) is usually frowned upon. Surveyed opinion tends to agree with these conclusions. Our evidence shows that the conjunction is more common ~ the preposition, that ~ whom is chiefly limited to writing, and that me is more common after the preposition ~ the third-person objective pronouns. You have the same choice Shakespeare had: you can use ~ either as a conjunction or as a preposition. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  conj. 1 introducing the second element in a comparison (you are older than he is; you are older than he). Usage It is also possible to say you are older than him, with than treated as a preposition, esp. in less formal contexts. 2 introducing the second element in a statement of difference (anyone other than me). Etymology: OE thanne etc., orig. the same word as THEN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  нежели a is less than b — a меньше b a is numerically less than b — a численно меньше b greater than or equal to — больше или равно, не меньше greater than sign — знак "больше" less than fully efficient method — метод неполной эффективности less than or equal to — меньше или равно, не больше less than sign — знак "меньше" more than once — уже не раз neither more nor less than — ни больше, ни меньше, как other than zero — отличный от нуля relation greater than — отношение "больше чем" relation less than — отношение "меньше чем" seven is four less than eleven — семь на четыре меньше одиннадцати to a higher power than the first — в степени выше первой - more than ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. после сравнительной степени прилагательных и наречий вводит второй элемент сравнения: чем; передается также род. падежом I know you better than he —- я знаю вас лучше, чем он have you something better than this? —- есть ли у вас что-нибудь получше? we arrived earlier than usual —- мы приехали раньше обычного easier said than done —- легче сказать, чем сделать he deceived us worse than if he had told us an outright lie —- он бы не так жестоко обманул нас, если бы просто солгал he has more than doubled his output —- он увеличил выработку больше чем вдвое he is more than twenty —- ему больше двадцати 2. после слов, обозначающих несходство, указывает на различие, исключение: как, кроме any person other than himself —- любой, кроме него he could not have behaved otherwise than he did —- он не мог вести себя иначе no(ne) other than —- не кто иной, как he was no other than your brother —- он оказался не кем иным, как вашим братом anywhere else than at home —- где угодно, только не дома this is due to nothing else than his obstinacy —- это объясняется не чем иным, как его упрямством 3. вводит инфинитив, обозначающий отвергаемое действие: чтобы he knows better than to start a quarrel —- он не так глуп, чтобы затеять ссору 4. в сочетании с no sooner в главном предложении вводит придаточное: как, когда no sooner had he left the boat than it sank —- не успел он покинуть лодку,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  cj. чем; he is taller than you are - он выше вас; Id rather stay than go - я предпочел бы остаться none other than - не кто иной, как ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. юan, conjunctive particle used after a comparative adj. or adv., from юanne, южnne, юonne "then." Developed from the adverb then, and not distinguished from it in spelling until c.1700. The earliest use is in W.Gmc. comparative forms, i.e. bigger than (cf. Du. dan, Ger. denn), which suggests a semantic development from the demonstrative sense of then: A is bigger than B, evolving from A is bigger, then ("after that") B. Or the word may trace to O.E. юonne "when, when as," such as "When as" B is big, A is more (so). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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